25. In the Bible who was Adam and Eves youngest child ?? ➤ Seth or Shet 26. In food what does UHT mean on the carton ?? ➤ Ultra Heat Treatment 27. Who released the album Invincible ?? ➤ Michael Jackson 28. Which order of monks are famous for their silence ?? ➤ Trappist 29. In which country could you spend a Taka ?? ➤ Bangladesh 🇧🇩 30. Who composed the opera Turendot ?? ➤ Giacomo Puccini 31. Which group of Marvel superheroes fought Doctor Doom ?? ➤ Fantastic Four 32. Which chemical was introduced to US as a cough suppressant ?? ➤ Heroin 33. Meaning person who overcomes name the ancient Indian religion?? ➤ Jainism 34. "The curfew tolls the knell of parting day." which poems start ?? ➤ Elegy written in a country Churchyard 35. Lovely Rita meter maid appeared on which Beatles album ?? ➤ Sergeant Peppers 36. What is the name for the group of men who elect a Pope ?? ➤ College of Cardinals 37. Two categories of ballroom dance are used in competition ?? ➤ Latin and Smooth 38. Ab...
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