1. Which comes first in the Dictionary? a. Galvanize b. Gallstone c. Gallery d. Galaxy 2. How many legs does a four legged tool have? 3. X is the father of Y but Y is not the son of X. What is the relation between Y and X. 4. How many centimeters are there in 1/5 of a meter? 5. Which is the smallest fraction? a. 1/9 b. 1/17 c. 18/70 d. 26/56 6. A dog is coming from Ram's house towards Sita's. Which direction is it watching house? 7. On a beautiful day, it takes 10 min to dry 10 shirts. How long will it take for 60 shirts? 8. Which is heavier? 1 kg cotton or 1 kg iron? 9. How many feet are there in 4 metres long ribbon? 10. Which is greater? a. -1 b. -4 c. -8 d. -0.5 11. In a Cinema Hall there are 200 deafs, 100 blinds, 50 one legged men, 25 boys, 15 girls, and 10 dumbs. How many people can listen to the dialogues? 12. It is raining and you don't have an umbrella. How could you walk on the street without getting wet upto your house? 13. An electrical train is going from east...
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