1. Write very short answer to the following questions. (a) Who are called children? ➤ A young human being below the age of 14 years and also is in the developing process of emotions, physical, social etc. are called children. (b) Why is there a specific age limit for them? ➤ There is a specific age limit for children because after 14 years of age they become legally eligible, adults and can be independent themselves. (c) When did the UN pass the Convention on Rights of the Children? What is the age of children according to the convention? ➤ On 20 November 1989, the UN passed the convention on the rights of children. According to that convention, the age of children is conception to 18 years. (d) What is right to protection? ➤ Right to Protection is a child's right to be protected from or against discrimination, violence, exploitation and any risks. 2. Write long answer to the following questions. (a) 'Child shows the man as morning shows the day'. Describe it in your own s...
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