276. Who was featured on the very first logo for Apple? ➤ Sir Isaac Newton 277. What band of travelling marauders originated in Scandinavia during the 8th century? ➤ Vikings 278. Hurricanes always spin counter clockwise when they originate in which hemisphere? ➤ Northern Hemisphere 279. President Obama modeled his memoir 'Dreams from my Father' on what 1952 Ralph Ellison novel? ➤ Invisible Man 280. Using only squares, rectangles and simple colours, what Dutch artist created the abstract style known as Neo-plasticism? ➤ Piet Mondrian 281. Which was the first institution of higher Education established by royal charter in the U.S.? ➤ William and Mary 282. Portugal's Madeira Airport was renamed in honour of what international soccer superstar? ➤ Cristiano Ronaldo 283. The Icelandic coat of arms features a bull, a bird, a dragon and what fourth guardian spirit? ➤ Giant 284. A Rhino's horn is made from the same material as your what? ➤ Fingernail 285. Thriving after escaping...
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