1. Give a very short answer to the following questions. (a) What is meant by antipode? ➤ Antipode is derived from two Greek words i.e. anti and pode which means the opposite side of foot. The antipodes of any place on the earth is the point on the earth's surface which is diametrically opposite to it. (b) What is the time difference of antipodes? ➤ 12 hours (c) What should be done to determine the longitude of antipode? ➤ To determine the longitude of antipodes, the given longitude should be deducted from 180 degree and change the directions that is west to east or vice versa. (d) Define geographical distance? ➤ The geographical distance is the distance measured along the surface of the earth with the help of the angular distance between two places. (e) What is the distance in 1 degree latitude? ➤ 111 km 2. Give a short answer to the following questions. (a) The latitude, longitude and local time of Kathmandu are 27°N, 85°E and 3 p.m. respectively. What will be the latitude, long...
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