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Q: What is Website (UTTAR TAMANG – उत्तर तामाङ्ग) all about?

Ans: This website is a platform that provides general knowledge and informative content on a wide range of topics, including science, sports, history, culture, current events and so on. Our goal is to provide accurate and up-to-date information in a clear and engaging way to help visitors learn and expand their knowledge which is useful for the various preparation like Public Service Commission and others.


Q: Who is behind this website?

Ans: Our team is made up of passionate individuals who have a wealth of knowledge and experience in a variety of fields. From current affairs to history, culture, theology to science & technology, math to IQs, micro finance to banks, and we are committed to bringing you the latest information and insights.


Q: What kind of content can I find on this website?

Ans: You will find a wealth of resources and information on this website, including articles, blogs, information, facts and general knowledge related to the various examination and entrances. We share an informative content that helps an aspirant on the field of government related entrances. We have something for everyone and our goal is to provide you with the information you need to deepen your understanding of the world around you.


Q: How do I navigate the site?

Ans: Our website is designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate. You can browse and collect easily from the top page lists, labels, archive and categories to find content that interests you, or use the search bar to find specific information.


Q: Is the information on this website accurate and up-to-date?

Ans: Yes, we take great care to ensure that all of our content is thoroughly researched and reviewed. Our team is constantly working to improve our site and to provide you with the best possible information. We collect and share the information and GKs from the authentic sources and facts.


Q: Can I share content from this website on my own website or social media channels?

Ans: Yes, you are welcome to share our content as long as you give proper credit and mention to 'UTTAR TAMANG – उत्तर तामाङ्ग' and link back to our site. Please refer to our terms of use for more information.


Q: How can I contact to you if I have a question or concern?

Ans: You can reach us through our contact page or by sending an email to Or you can submit your query through the Contact including name, Email and message.  We will do our best to respond to your inquiry in a timely manner.


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