🌏. Camels' humps actually store's fatty tissue, not water, which is used as a source of nourishment. 🌏. A single strand of spider silk is thinner than a human hair, but also five times stronger than steel of the same width. 🌏. Bamboo is the world's fastest growing plant, it can grow at a rate of 35 inches in a day. 🌏. Each Pineapple plant can only flower and fruit once which can take up to 2 to 3 years. 🌏. Only 3% of our planet's water is drinkable. 97% of it is salt water. More than half of the earth's fresh water can be found frozen in glaciers. 🌏. Our oceans have an average depth of 12,400 feets. This means that most of the living things on our planet live in total darkness. 🌏. In the last 170 years, we added to 2.4 trillion tons of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere. Half of this was added in the last 35 to 50 years. 🌏. To observe Earth our let us all turn off all non essential lights for 1 hour starting from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. 🌏. African buffalo herds d...
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