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Multi-choice Questions [2]

 27. With reference to real estate terminology, what does BHK stand for ??

A: Bathroom Hall Kitchen

B: Ballroom Hall - Kitchen

C: Bedroom Hall Kitchen

D: Balcony Hall Kitchen

Ans: C

28. In Jan 2021, the appointment of Kaja Kallas as prime minister made which country, currently the only one, to have women as both prime minister and president ??

A: Eritrea

B: Estonia

C: Latvia

D: Lithuania

Ans: B

29. Optical zoom and digital zoom help you in doing what with the mobile phone ??

A: Sending texts

B: Listening to music

C: Taking pictures

D: Browsing faster

Ans: C

30. If a doctor takes 10 minutes on an average to see each patient, then how long would the 7th patient in the queue have to wait for his turn ??

A: Half an hour

B: Forty-five minutes

C: One hour

D: One and a half hours

Ans: C

31. Who is credited to be the first person to create the world's first permanent photograph ??

A: George Eastman 

B: Robert Cornelius

C: James Clerk Maxwell

D: Nicephore Niepce

Ans: D

32. Which bird has the largest wingspan in the world ??

A: Andean Condor 

B: Wandering Albatross

C: Marabou stork

D: Golden Eagle

Ans: B

33. With which of these sports would you associate the score of "Perfect 10" ??

A: Swimming

B: Football

C: Gymnastics

D: Badminton

Ans: C

34. White, brown, and black are varieties of which food item ??

A: Wheat

B: Rice

C: Corn flour

D: Barley

Ans: B

35. In which year was a Nobel Prize first awarded to a woman ??

A: 1903

B: 1905

C: 1910

D: 1911

Ans: A

36. Which of these plants would, normally, be the tallest when fully grown ??

A: Banana

B: Cauliflower

C: Eucalyptus

D: Tulsi

Ans: C

37. 'Spin', 'rinse' and 'dry' are all words associated with which household device ??

A: Microwave oven

B: Washing machine

C: Air conditioner

D: Room heater

Ans: B

38. Deccan and Tibetan are names of which type of landform ??

A: Deltas

B: Hills

C: Plateaus

D: River basins

Ans: C

39. In terms of area, which of these Asian countries is the largest ??

A: Bhutan

B: China

C: India

D: Afghanistan

Ans: B

40. Which of these gases makes a beverage fizzy ??

A: Oxygen

B: Nitrogen

C: Carbon dioxide

D: Hydrogen

Ans: C

41. According to Hindu scriptures, who was the grandfather of the asura king Mahabali ??

A: Hiranyakashipuu

B: Prahlad

C: Hiranyaksha

D: Ravana

Ans: B

42. Which is the second largest continent in the world ??

A: North America

B: South America

C: Australia

D: Africa

Ans: D

43. Which of these is a longitude that divides the Earth into the eastern hemisphere and the western hemisphere ??

A: Equator

B: Tropic of Capricorn

C: Tropic of Cancer

D: Prime Meridiaan

Ans: D

44. At which of these locations did Mahatma Gandhi deliver a speech that gave the slogan "Do or Die" ??

A: Mani Bhavan, Bombay

B: Gowalia Tank Maidan, Bombay

C: Banaras Hindu University

D: Sevagram Ashram

Ans: B

45. The spacecraft 'Hope' became the first probe from the middle east to enter the orbit of Mars. Which country's mission was Hope ??

A: Iran

B: Saudi Arabia

C: United Arab Emirates

D: Qatar

Ans: C

46. Which country topped the total medal count at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games ??

A: China

B: Japan


D: Great Britain

Ans: C

47. In terms of light, which of these is a primary colour ??

A: Red

B: Violet

C: Orange

D: Yellow

Ans: A

48. Which of the following countries does not have a tricolour flag ??

A: France

B: Belgium

C: Italy

D: Switzerland

Ans: D

49. According to Mahabharata, Aditi, the wife of Rishi Kashyapa, gave birth to which avatar of Lord Vishnu ??

A: Vamana

B: Varaha

C: Parashurama

D: Matsya

Ans: A

50. Which of these world events took place first ??

A: French Revolution

B: Fall of the Berlin Wall

C: First World War

D: India's Independence

Ans: A

🖊️ Uttar Tamang


Click Here for MCQ [1] ⏮⏭ MCQ [3]


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