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MCQ [5]

101. In computers, which of these is a common file extension used for compressed files ??





Ans: D

102. Which is the only piece in the game of chess that can "jump over" other pieces ??

A: Queen

B: Knight

C: Bishop

D: King

Ans: B

103. Which of these nutrients are called bodybuilding foods ??

A: Proteins

B: Vitamins

C: Fat

D: Zinc

Ans: A

104. Which colour is common to the national flags of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan ??

A: Red

B: Blue

C: Green

D: White

Ans: C

105. Which of these animals is not mentioned in Rudyard Kipling's "The Jungle Book" ??

A: Panther

B: Gorilla

C: Python

D: Bear

Ans: B

106. Which rishi's sudden arrival at the Pandava camp in exile embarrassed Draupadi because she had no food left to feed him and his followers ??

A: Narada Muni

B: Rishi Vasishtha

C: Rishi Durvasa

D: Rishi Vishwamitra

Ans: C

107. Which of these pioneers in the development of computers is featured on a British fifty-pound currency notee ??

A: Charles Babbage

B: Ada Lovelace

C: Alice Lee

D: Alan Turing

Ans: D

108. What is the blinking symbol on a computer screen, indicating the spot where the next character will be typed, called ??

A: Cursor

B: Tab

C: Bookmark

D: Place Mark

Ans: A

109. Who among these gods was born from a lotus flower emerging from the navel of Lord Vishnu ??

A: Lord Shiva

B: Lord Brahma

C: Lord Indra

D: Lord Brihaspati

Ans: B

110. Which of these was invented by German inventor Johannes Gutenberg in the 15th century ??

A: Printing press

B: Diesel engine

C: Stethoscope

D: Telephone

Ans: A

111. Which country has won the Thomas Cup, an international badminton competition, the maximum number of times ??

A: Indonesia

B: Malaysia

C: China

D: Japan

Ans: A

112. What is the Great Red spot on the planet Jupiter ??

A: A crater

B: A volcano

C: A lake

D: A storm

Ans: D

113. Which of these birds can't move or roll their eyes inside their eye sockets ??

A: Parrots

B: Owls

C: Eagles

D: Bulbul

Ans: B

114. According to the Puranas, which son of Sri Krishna and Rukmini was kidnapped as a baby, thrown into the sea and swallowed by a fish ??

A: Aniruddha

B: Samba

C: Pradyumna

D: Atibhanu

Ans: C

115. Which of these countries is the largest producer of coffee in the world ??

A: Indonesia

B: Colombia

C: China

D: Brazil

Ans: D

116. Who was the first Indian female fighter pilot selected to fly the Rafale ??

A: Avani Chaturvedi

B: Bhawana Kanth

C: Shivangi Singh

D: Mawya Sudan

Ans: C

117. Which company develops the Mac operating systems for laptops and computers ??

A: Microsoft

B: Apple

C: Lenovo

D: Samsung

Ans: B

118. Which of the following chemical elements is denoted by a single letter on the periodic table ??

A: Potassium

B: Mercury

C: Gold

D: Copper

Ans: A (K)

119. AstraZeneca, one of the companies spearheading the COVID-19 vaccine drive, is a pharmaceutical company with its headquarters in which country ??

A: Sweden

B: United States of America

C: Russia

D: United Kingdom

Ans: D

120. If you land at the Hamid Karzai International Airport, which city are you in ??

A: Baghdad

B: Doha

C: Tehran

D: Kabul

Ans: D

121. What anmong these would you scan to make a payment digitally ??

A: Pin Code

B: QR Code

C: STD Code

D: Entry Code

Ans: B

122. In a game of cards, which of the following types of cards resembles the shape of a leaf ??

A: Clubs

B: Diamonds

C: Spades

D: Joker

Ans: C

123. Handlebar, Horseshoe, Pencil, Dali, Toothbrush are all types of what ??

A: Paintbrush

B: Moustache

C: Cutlery

D: Computer gadget

Ans: B

124. Which of these words is not used as a term to say 'hello' in any language ??

A: Bonjour

B: Adios

D: Ni Hao

C: Konnichiwa

Ans: B

125. From which country does Pope Francis hail ??

A: Italy

B: Spain

C: France

D: Argentina

Ans: D

🖊️Uttar Tamang


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