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Q&A (2)

Q.7. What does LGCDP stand for?

➤ LGCDP stands for Local Governance and Community Development Program that aims to improve local governance, poverty reduction, citizen empowerment and community development.

Q.8. What is dowry? Why do you think people demand dowry at marriage?

➤ Dowry is the wealth given to a woman at her marriage, which may be in the form of either cash or goods. Under this system, anything like a huge amount of money, jewellery, houses, land, vehicles or other property are demanded. I think people demand dowry at marriage because people consider dowry as a matter of social prestige, they blindly faith in tradition, bounded by society and customs.

Q.9. Dowry system is a social evil. Justify the statement with reference to its bad impacts in the society.

➤ Dowry is the wealth given to women at her marriage. The dowry system is a social evil because it engulfed society very badly. The dowry system discriminates the women in society and disrespects them. In fact, dowry is a kind of economic exploitation, and source or cause of the conflict and confrontation between the parties. Domestic violence is created and many women have been tortured mentally, physically and even burnt live or cruel death. The bride's family faces social humiliation, feel inferior in society, turned bankrupt etc. So, dowry system creates various negative impacts on society. That's why it is considered as a social evil.

Q.10. What is meant by intellectual migration? How does it affect the development of a home country? Describe.

➤ Intellectual migration is the migration of intelligent, skilled human resources to other countries for better jobs, salary and facilities. Though, remittance is earned, the actual development of the country is interrupted due to brain drain. This has created scarcity of workforce in the home country for development activities. As well as it has created an adverse effect in development because of the lack of intellectual and skilled human manpower who leave their own country and work abroad.

Q.11. Why do you think people leave their home country and go to foreign country? Explain.

➤ I think people leave their home country and go to foreign countries because of the attraction of good income and prosperity of family at home. Mainly, people migrate to seek opportunities like employment opportunity, better salary, higher standard, quality education and tempting western life. The other reason people leave their country is because of the lack of scope, political instability, poverty and poor quality of living in their home country.

Q.12. What do you understand by international personalities? Explain.

➤ There are many people in this world who have worked very hard for the welfare of mankind. Such people are called international personalities. However, there are few people who have been able to create a deep impression in the minds of the people through their good deeds. Such people will forever remain alive in the hearts of the people and the world admires them even though they die physically. Thus, the great people who have made a great contribution to international peace, understanding, discovery or development are called international personalities.

Q.13. What lessons do you learn from the life of Abraham Lincoln?

➤ From the life of Abraham Lincoln, we have learned to become sincere, dedicated and hardworking person. In our life, we have to contribute some good deeds towards the welfare of mankind. We should not use the wrong means to fulfill our aims. We learned to live fearlessly and become a self-learners.

Q.14. Why did Mahatma Gandhi struggle for freedom in India?

➤ Mahatma Gandhi struggled for freedom in India because his goal was to achieve independence from the British rule. He struggled to alleviate poverty, liberate women and put an end to racial discrimination, help poor farmers and labourers. The other main aim was to establish self rule for India.

Q.15. What was the main guiding principle of Mahatma Gandhi?

➤ The main guiding principles of Mahatma Gandhi are truth, non-violence, welfare of all and peaceful protest (satyagraha). As well as simplicity in living and faith.

Q.16. What qualities are required for a person to become an international personality? Mention any five of them.

➤ The five qualities that are required for a person to become an international personality are as follows:

1. The ability to establish trust and trustworthy

2. Self-confidence and Courage

3. Social worker or influencer

4. Leadership and communication skills

5. Selfless or altruistic

🖊️. Uttar Tamang


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