Pic: Science Alert |
Neptune and Uranus are the two planets farthest from the Sun. Like Jupiter and Saturn, they are composed mostly of gas. These two planets are sometimes known as ice giants because they contain a large amount of icy water, methane and ammonia.
What colour is Neptune?
Neptune appears greeny-blue because of the methane gas in its atmosphere. This gas absorbs red light in the spectrum, making it seem that Neptune is a vivid, azure blue-green. The same effect can be seen with Uranus, which also has a lot of methane in its atmosphere, although that planet appears to be a much paler shade of turquoise blue.
How long is a year on Neptune?
Neptune is so far from the Sun - over 4500 million kilometres – that its orbit takes about 165 Earth years. So one year on Neptune lasts for 165 Earth years.
'Neptune has 17 times the mass of Earth
and is slightly heavier than
its similar sister planet,
which is only 15 times heavier.'
Who discovered Neptune?
Two mathematicians, John Couch Adams in England and Urbain Le Verrier in France, predicted where Neptune should be from the way its gravity disturbed Uranus's orbit. Johann Galle in Berlin was the first to spot it on 23 September 1846.
'Neptune's Winds - Space probes have sent
back images of
Neptune's high winds.'
When was Uranus discovered?
Uranus was first discovered in 1781 by the astronomer William Herschel. He thought at first that it was a comet, but Uranus was soon proved to be a planet.
'Uranus is the seventh planet
from the Sun
and is named after
the Greek God of the sky.'
Does Uranus have rings?
Like other gas giants, Uranus has a ring system . Currently 13 rings have been identified.
What's strange about Uranus?
Unlike any of the other planets, Uranus does not spin on a slight tilt. Instead it is tilted right over and rolls around the Sun on its side, like a giant bowling ball.
✒️. Uttar Tamang
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