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A Letter by Super Hero Fan Aman Sinha aka Super Super to Marvel Studio about the "Beyond the Marvel Cinematic Universe: A Fan's Perspective on Trailers, Theories, Characters and More"

My name is Aman Sinha, and I am a superhero fan. I like superhero movies and series, especially those based on cinematic universes. Most of my time passes while reading comics. That's why I review and break down trailers for movies, series, or any other content related to the cinematic universe. And sometimes we also discuss fan fiction and theories. And because I am a big fan of superhero-related content and have been for a long time, I have a good perspective on this content.

And that's why I want to talk to the biggest franchisee of 2022 today. The name of the franchisee is Marvel Cinematic Universe. Which has 30 movies, from Iron Man 1 to Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. The creator of this is Marvel Studios and has made 25.5 billion dollars from the box office. A movie is set to be released next month. And we know that 11 movies are in production. For now, this universe has a total of seven Disney+ series. And 15 are lined up for production. Aside from this, 3 ABC series, 6 Netflix series, 2 Hulu series and A Helstrom project is part of the MCU. Now, throughout the video, I will say Marvel for Marvel Studios.

So, dear Marvel, Please don't reveal too much in your teasers and trailers. For the time being, it's a big issue. For the latest example, I would like to mention Doctor Strange's Multiverse of Madness In one of the teasers We clearly saw Billy and Tommy. The attack on Sanctum, Dream walk of Defender Strange. And Wanda from Earth 616 met Wanda from Earth 838, which was already shown. After that, there was nothing left to hide in the movie. We had a pretty good idea of what was going to happen while watching the movie.

For another example, I would like to mention, Shang Chi and The Legend of The Ten Rings. In this trailer too, we saw glimpses of every iconic scene. Then what is the point of surprising cameos? if they are already revealed in the trailer? We fans already knew about the fight between Wong and Abomination. We had seen in the trailer that Shang Chi will control at least five out of ten rings. And the appearance of the dragon was revealed in the second trailer. If everything is revealed during the marketing, then for what moment will the fans wait in the cinema hall?

About this, Avengers Endgame and Infinity War were on point. Especially Endgame. Where Thor got fat, Professor Hulk, Time heist, and even the final fight were all secrets. Then why isn't every movie being treated that way? I do agree that marketing is done for a normal audience. So they would come to the cinema hall. But revealing big secrets in the trailers is still wrong. At least leave a twist for the movie. Like, Ikaris being the villain in Eternals was amazing. Thank God it was not revealed in the trailer. Everyone knew that there were going to be three Spider-Mans in No Way Home, but the cast and production did not accept this until the release of the movie. And this increased the fun of the movie exponentially. So for making a trailer for any movie, following the Endgame movie rule would be great, where only using the first 20 minutes of the movie to create the trailer.

Dear Marvel, create a movie on villains too. There was an issue before the deal between Disney Fox and Marvel: they did not have many iconic villains. But now that Marvel has all their character rights, So now, a movie about a villain is possible. Like how awesome a solo Thanos movie would be? Or a Galactus movie would blow fans' minds in the upcoming phase. a Doctor Doom movie that would show how dangerous Victor Von Doom is. Fans have always wanted to watch a Magneto movie. Sometimes it's needed to show the perspective of villains instead of only superheroes. And yes, I know that Loki could be mentioned for the request, but I am talking about a full-fledged movie. Which would celebrate these characters flashily. Me and many more fans have read Thonas' story in his comic book series. How a villain became a villain. And who wouldn't like to know the madness behind the Mad Titan? And these types of movies will be successful. For example, take DC's Joker movie. Which fans also liked and also earned well.

Dear Marvel, we need more duo movies like Thor: Ragnarok. Thor: Ragnarok was already an awesome movie. But we were more happy to see Hulk with him. Two well-known Avengers in a single movie. Who does not like it? That's why we also loved Falcon And The Winter Soldier. And this could be done with many characters. The more unexpected the duos, the more thrill we'll get while watching. For example, A Daredevil and a She-Hulk movie would be amazing. Everyone would want to watch an R-rated movie of Hulk and Deadpool. A Scarlett Witch and a Doctor Strange movie is quite great. And fans were also expecting this from the movie. But Scarlett Witch turned out to be the villain. A Luke Cage and Iron Fist: Heroes for Hire movie or a series would also be a banger. One Captain Marvel and Guardians space adventure will be good and, One Hawk Eye and Ant Man movie will also be liked by fans.

A lot of time passes between watching a character in a movie, and seeing him in the next movie. There was a four year gap between Thor: The Dark World and Thor: Ragnarok. Doctor Strange's first appearance and his latest movie, Multiverse of Madness, has a 6 year gap, during that duration Spiderman trilogy was completed. Fans wanted to see many characters teaming up with Iron Man, but now Iron Man is no more.

So, dear Marvel, we have a huge need for Iron Man. You might think about which superhero fans would not want Iron Man back. But even the people I meet ask the same question: Can Iron Man return? And the sentiment behind this is that they became a Marvel or MCU fan because of Iron Man. Me and many people opted for Science stream because of the influence of Iron Man. My friends opted for engineering. Specifically, Mechatronic engineering was inspired by Iron Man. Iron Man literally had an impact on people's lives. And looking at him, we had faith that humans can become whatever he wants from his hard work and intelligence, even world peace. 

But now realism has ended in the MCU. Here are cosmic superheroes, Gods, Sorcerers, and super-soldiers. But now none of them inspire fans like the way Iron Man did. It's not necessary that only Tony Stark's sacrifice means it can't be reversed. But for now, the MCU needs realism. The need of some such superheros with whom fans would relate in an amazing way. People would believe in the superhero, and also in themselves. The mechanical actions should be returned. The science behind the arc reactor should be discussed. People would search all the research papers and books, to find possibilities of Iron Man armor. And argue with each other about what's possible and what's not. I know many people who would put lights in their hands and act like they are using repulsors. I also know many people who would become Tony Stark by wearing a torch inside their t-shirts. No character has connected with fans at this level. We have seen Spiderman, Batman, and Wolverine movies before Iron Man. Their fans are not as diehard as Iron Man's fans.

So dear Marvel, Not Tony Stark, but at least bring the mechanical armor action movies again. So that another generation's lives will be changed.
So, this is a letter for Marvel. 


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