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Education - Objective Questions

1. The process of human resources development?

a. opens the door to modernization.

b. makes the society static.

c. looks the door of modernization.

d. enhance development.


2. An Elit oriented education system is the nature of..............

a. Non-formal education

b. Formal education

c. Radio education

d. T.V. education


3. The nature of non-formal education indicates.

a. Planned with particular and bounded education.

b. Limited to specific class period.

c. Planned with particular objectives but not bounded.

d. Planned not bounded education.


4. Distance education by radio is a .............

a. One way learning process.

b. Active communication process.

c. Active learning process.

d. Two way learning process.


5. Literacy classes are the example of.............

a. Open education

b. Formal education

c. Informal education

d. Non formal education


6. Lifelong education is integrated with...........

a. Fixed point entry

b. Prescribed time table

c. Word education

d. Hard discipline


7. Planned with a particular end and bounded education is.............

a. Formal

b. Non formal

c. Radio

d. Literacy


8. "Deschooling society" is the thought of.............

a. Evan Ellich

b. Paulo Frive

c. Coombs

d. Froebel


9. Education is a tri-polar process because it consists of........

a. Teacher, student and curriculum

b. Teacher, student and society

c. Nature society and mortality

d. Teacher, students and parents


10. Education is not preparation for life it is life itself" is said by...........

a. John Locke

b. John Dewey

c. Burner

d. Rousseau


11. "Education is the development of the whole man" is said by.............

a. Ralph W. Tyler

b. John Locke

c. Comenius

d. John Dewey


12. "Education means bringing out the Ideas of University which are latest in the mind of every man". Who said this?

a. Socrates

b. Kant

c. Aristotle.

d. Dewey


13. "Know thyself" was the principle of...............

a. Plato

b. Aristotle

c. Socrates

d. Confucius


14. The child is a book which the teacher has to learn from page to page this is the opinion of...........

a. Forebel

b. Rousseau

c. Laxmi Pd. Devakota

d. Madan Bhandari


15. Curriculum is considered as.............

a. an end of itself

b. a school directive principle

c. a series of activities

d. a means of achieve goal


16. The conservative function of education is............

a. to provide religious education

b. to provide new skills and knowledge

c. to provide knowledge that is needed to society

d. to transmit culture of the society as it is


17. The purpose of the revolutionary function of education is...........

a. To hand on existing culture to new generation

b. Development of scientific knowledge

c. To make education aloof from politics

d. To create dissatisfaction towards tradition.


18. Literacy classes are the example of............

a. Formal education

b. Non-formal education

c. Informal education

d. Technical education


19. The curriculum describes................

a. the aims/objectives of teaching/learning

b. the process of teaching/learning

c. an organized plan for teaching/learning

d. all of the above


20. "Education means more education" who says to?

a. idealists

b. the naturalists

c. the realists

d. the progressivists


21. The development of human resources is necessary for............

a. mobilizing capital

b. exploitation of natural resources

c. teaching one's potentials

d. creating market


22. For the development of the country what sort of people should education prepare?

a. social people

b. cooperative people

c. creative people

d. sensitive people


23. Which of the following is not a step of curriculum construction?

a. Formulation of objectives

b. Selection experiences

c. Organizing contents

d. Being guided by old curriculum


24. The etymological meaning of education denotes education as........

a. to express attitudes

b. to lead out to

c. to develop self

d. to create noble deeds


25. The economic function of education concentrated on............

a. assimilation of social cultural pattern

b. development of new knowledge and skills

c. empowerment of people to earn for living

d. budgetary balance between income and expenditure



1.       A

2.       B

3.       C

4.       A

5.       D

6.       C

7.       A

8.       A

9.       A

10.   B

11.   C

12.   A

13.   D

14.   B

15.   D

16.   D

17.   D

18.   B

19.   D

20.   D

21.   B

22.   A

23.   D

24.   B

25.   C


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