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Matter and Particles

Matter is simply anything that has mass and takes up space. All matter is made up of tiny particles such as protons, neutrons and electrons.
Particles are the building blocks of the Universe.

What is the Universe made from?

The stars and clouds in space are made almost 100% of hydrogen and helium, the lightest and simplest atoms, or elements. All the other elements are quite rare. But some, such as carbon, oxygen, silicon, nitrogen and iron, can form important concentrations, as in the rocky planets like Earth, where iron, oxygen and magnesium are among the most common elements.

How were Atoms made?

Atoms of hydrogen and helium were made in the early days of the Universe when quarks in the matter soup joined together. All other atoms were made as atoms were fused together by the intense heat and pressure inside stars.

'A cloud of particles
called electrons
surrounds the
atom's nucleus.'

What Are Particles?

Particles are the basic units of matter that make up everyday objects. There are hundreds of kinds of particles, but all apart from the atom and molecule are too small to see, even with the most powerful microscope.

'Atom Smasher: - A particles accelerator
propels particles at
immense speeds to
investigate their nature.'

What is Anti-matter?

Anti-matter is the mirror image of ordinary matter. If matter and anti-matter meet, they destroy each other. Fortunately, there is no anti-matter on Earth.

'The nucleus, or centre,
of an atom is made of
protons and neutrons,
which are themselves
made of quarks.'

Which is the smallest known Particle?

The smallest particle inside the nucleus is the quark. It is less than 10-20 meters across, which means a line of ten billion billion of them would be less than meter long.

'Scattered Atoms:
The paths of 
subatomic particles
such as quarks, can be seen
after colliding atoms
at great speed.'

What are Quarks?

Quarks are tiny particles much smaller than atoms. They were among the first particles to form at the birth of the Universe.

✒️. Uttar Tamang


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